Firearms trafficking

Inicio / Programas UE / ISFP / ISFP-2018-AG-OC-FIRE


Programme: Internal Security Fund Police
Call: Call for proposals on organised crime EU

Topic description


The objective is to fund projects on the fight against trafficking in firearms, to facilitate joint initiatives and operational actions of EU countries associated with third partners, such as South East Europe and Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries; improve expertise in the area of firearms trafficking, in particular by enhancing knowledge, detection, investigation and prosecution at EU level and with key third countries; promote best practices inter alia concerning the defragmentation of the relevant information and intelligence along the firearms trafficking routes to and from the EU; safeguard the EU licit market in the field of firearms trafficking; reduce diversion of firearms into criminal hands in the EU.

Expected results: increase joint initiatives and operational actions on the fight against trafficking in firearms of EU countries associated with third partners.

Detailed objectives and priorities are defined in the call document that is available under the section "Topic conditions and documents" below.



firearms trafficking MENA countries

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